$24.90 USD


Dive into the world of "Minus Drums Vol.1" a collection of 50 crafted tracks composed of Moog loops and drumless songs.

Download the files, drag and drop in any DAW and have fun(k)!


What you'll get:

  • Minus Drums Tracks: Access 50 tracks featuring captivating Moog loops and drumless songs, providing the perfect canvas for you to showcase your drumming prowess.

  • Endless Possibilities: Experiment with a wide array of funk-inspired loops and songs, fueling your passion for drumming and expanding your musical horizons.

  • Jamming and Studying: Whether you're looking to study new grooves, or jam along to funk tunes, these tracks offer endless opportunities for exploration and growth.

  • Professional Quality: Immerse yourself in studio-quality recordings that capture the essence of funk, ensuring an authentic and engaging drumming experience with every track.